Congratulations! We may not have a government, but instead of running around and looting and pillaging like a bunch of animals, you're here calmly reading about mobile applications—just like god intended. And to reward you, we've got some good ones for iPhones, Androids, and Windows Phones alike, so go get 'em, tiger. And hey, when you're done, go ahead and loot a little. You've earned it.

If you snatched up the colorful iPhone 5C and its perforated case before you realized what an eyesore it is, there's now a cheap and simple solution to the problem. The developers at LunarLincoln have just released a free app called CaseCollage that lets you import images from Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, and Picasa and arrange them in any design you like. When you're happy all you need to is print out your design, trim it down, insert it between your iPhone 5C and voila, your phone is no longer an embarrassment. [

Flickr's new iOS 7 app now offers automatic uploading at full resolution, with sharing set to private by default. Which is pretty great. Of course, all your old favs such as editing tools, shooting grids and custom filters. But full resolution uploads are a long overdue—and welcome—update. [

Ok, you're right, technically this isn't an app. But it is a very important and hilarious addition to your phone's current capabilities that every iPhone owner should know about. The little single serve website called "Infinite Text-In-Progress" helps you trick your iPhone-toting friends into thinking they're receiving a text. Just open the page on your phone, tap the animated gif, hit save, and then send it to your friend as an picture text. He/she will think you're about to send her a text, but guess what? You're not! Hilarity ensues, etc. etc. [

Runtastic Six Pack is, as you'd suspect, dedicated to carving out your abs from underneath their nacho-induced padding. It's, essentially, a training program that features a course of pre-defined workouts and a pair of animated avatars to guide you through it. You can start from the easiest one and then build yourself up over the course of a ten week program. The workouts are typically about 15 minutes and the app tells you which days to work and which days to take off. [

This week's update brings lots of cool changes to very few users — right now, it's only available on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1-2014 Edition. Still, it'll hit other Android tablets by end of year, bringing landscape and multi-screen views, a homescreen widget, and an illustrator function that lets you tweet doodles or doodled-on photos. [

This end-to-end encryption app promises to keep your files from prying eyes. Anything you send is encrypted before it leaves, and decrypted after it's downloaded, so no server has access to the unencrypted file. For collaborative work, you can even determine the level of access each user has, and who can re-share the document. [

First thing you'll notice in the updated app is the new colors, with 11 different themes. From there, it's all productivity, with the capability to send emails from any of your Outlook user names and search all your e-mail messages, whether they're on your device or in the cloud. Finally, you can sync your email for offline reading. [

Your built-in calculator app is fine for simple arithmetic, but complex calculations are a pain. Instead of spending half your day trying to find the symbol you need, MyScript lets you hand-write your calculations. You can even cross out incorrect entries to delete them, a strange and wonderful mashup of old and new tech. If you regularly do calculus but don't want to carry a graphing calculator in your pocket, try this baby out. [

Got a new Nokia Lumia device? Then you probably find yourself staring at the clock on your Glance Screen fairly often. Here's a way to shake things up by customizing your screen with colorful backgrounds that don't compromise your phone's battery life. The Glance Background app also gives you the ability to use your own images and tweak them with a minimal photo editor. [

We all know how annoying it is to split the bill at restaurants. eSplitter lets you bypass the hassle of mental math, by allowing users to split costs evenly or by portions. And to make things even simpler, it'll keep a running tally of who owes what as you split groceries, drinks and whatever else your heart desires. [

Everyone's favorite microblogging platform has been heavily revamped for Windows Phone with a dark theme—a stark contrast to its usual look. You'll be able to set up Tweet notifications for your favorite accounts, link keyword searches to your home screen and check out interesting tweets directly on the new Twitter lockscreen. [
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